1. The law-firm acted for Chester Investment Company in the change of user of their property from single dwelling unit to multi-dwelling residential purpose, and registration of their properties’ Management Companies and in the sale of their flats and maisonettes;
  2. The law-firm is front and center of the class action suit against Goldenscape Greenhouses Limited & it’s affiliates seeking recovery of monies owed to investors;
  3. The law-firm provided Consultancy Services to the Kenya Urban Roads Authority on the procurement project for the Dongo –Kunduby-pass project;
  4. The law firm successfully sued the National Transportation and Safety Authority in a claim by SWVL Matatu operators;
  5. The law firm successfully conducted the setting up and operationalization of the joint- venture agreement between Bustech Africa Limited and a local cab company;
  6. The Law firm successfully represented a local church ministry in securing Kes.2 billion worth of financing from an international investor for the construction of its modern church and residential facilities;
    7. The law firm is representing a client in an Kes. 897 million arbitrations claim against a local brewer for breach of contract;
    8. The law firm has collaborated with the legal counsel in the claim by aggrieved investors of Suraya Properties Ltd